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作者对编剧颇为不满,谈了他的看法,单纯看论文价值并不高,有趣的是底下的讨论,各路英豪又来争执了一番,包括一些一直想要“干掉”C/L的顽强的M Fans(这些外国人偏激的程度在咱们的论坛上并非看不见,只是属性不同。另外他们大多特别的喜欢Randy Harrison,我有的时候怀疑已经超过了Hal Spark。)
One of Brian's main traits has always been that he will drop everything else for priority #1. Right now, priority #1 is making Justin happy keeping Justin nearby because he's freaked out and doing so by making Justin happy and giving Justin what Justin thinks he wants for himself, and Brian is ignoring what both he and Justin actually need. It can't last. One of them is going to crumble. It's like the worst reason to get married, like those girls who sleep with their boyfriends to keep them, or think if they get pregnant they'll have to stay together.
Or that's what I think. I honestly can't tell WHAT Cowlip wants me to think about it. Am I supposed to believe it's weird and wrong? Am I supposed to think it's romantic? What really freaks me out, personally, are the people who think it IS romantic, who are sighing over Brian calling Justin his prince and so on.
Brian says "I would do anything, say anything, be anything, to make Justin happy." That's not love; that's desperation. And if Justin goes along with it, that's cruelty. Brian ought to be stronger than that.
And I don't find it romantic. Trying to fill up a hole in yourself with another person doesn't work, can never work.
先声明,我并不完全同意这个看法,只是从Justin 507之后的看来,他真的长大了,有了很独立、很成熟的思想和判断力,511拒绝第一次求婚虽然让我相当惊讶,不过也合情合理,我真的认为很多事过去就过去了,是对是错已经过去了,反反复复的并没有什么好处。我非常尊重Justin之后与Brian破镜重圆的决定,只是再多的机会也未必能解决问题。这只是我肤浅的人生观给我的视角,我不是不相信某些感情是可以坚固耐用的。只是我不相信、也不欣赏人们执著的尝试他们一错再错的决定。
And I was quite upset with myself when I realized I was all OTPsquee over Brian and Justin, because it's true, watching a show through the lens of caring whether these two people are together is pathetic and does warp it. But it's more than just that, in this case- I have actual philosophical objections to the plotline and the message, and I think the message that they're pushing is warping the story. Cowlip are allowing their desire to make a political point and their stress over having to FINISHUPTHEFIRSTGAYTVSHOWEVAROMG on a big huge note take over from concerns of plot and character consistency. It's not just B/J marriage- it's Mel and Linds running off to Canada, and Babylon getting blowed up, and Michael losing his spleen, and Ben and Michael not arguing anymore now that they're married (except over their children), and so on and on and on... It strikes me as forced. Over the top. And fuck, I was IN Virginia when I saw the prop 14 get introduced on the show (I watch it at my friends's house, she's in VA and I'm in MD) and believe me, I think the VA law is stupid, but have they brought up any of the appropriate concerns on the show? Like the blatant unconstitutionality of it? No, it's all "ZOMG Nazis did this too" and "Oh Canada!" And I love Canada, but it's not perfect.
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