507BJ分手场景(慎入 重点更新在第二页 lovehydeken亲情翻译在第三页)

自从看了预告片那个拥抱之后我一直对507有强烈的好奇心,现在我终于自食恶果了,这个剧情介绍太可怕了(如果不小心进来心脏脆弱的亲请别往下看吧 泪)
第二页有BM fight scene 更新 应该是J走了后跟B的第一次见面 我觉得比这幕更痛苦 亲们如果看的话自备手帕
英文不太好的亲们注意了 第三页有lovehydeken不辞劳苦的翻译 实在太感谢了 后面几页可能还会有翻译矫正和讨论 enjoy!!

原文地址:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/QA ... /62318?viscount=-30

I've been fortunate enough to be able to view the 507 break up scene.

Here is a recap, and unfortunately I am unable to post the clip to
the file.

Let me just say, Gale and Randy's performances in this scene are Emmy

Scene begins with a close up of the big window in Brian's loft. It is
dark out, probably the early hours of the morning. You can see the
some of the buildings lit in the distance

There is a brief snippit of music. Whether it has lapped over from
the previous scene or not... can't tell, because I have seen on only
this particular segment....not the scene before or the one after.

The music swells a bit then fades. It does not sound like background
music but rather like it was coming from a radio or TV.

It is definitely the last few bars of a John Williams movie theme. At
first I thought it was Star Wars, but in reflecting, I am pretty sure
it is from the main theme of the original Superman movie.

Camera scans past the window and then.....

Close up of Justin lying back in the big white sectional couch. He
has his hands folded on his stomach with a faraway and contemplative
look on his face.

We see his head, shoulders and part of his torso. His head is
resting in the couch pillow and his shoulders and torso are flat in
the couch. He is nervously interlocking and releasing his fingers

Cut to loft door sliding open

Brian enters, looks at Justin and proceeds to the kitchen

Camera shot of Justin. He is lying completely horizontal. Upper body
flat on the cushion of the couch his legs a stretched out and feet on
the coffee table. While his body is perfectly still but he is
fidgeting his still clasped fingers.

Shot back to Brian headed the refrigerator, he glances and smiles
again at Justin

Close up of Justin. Slight flicker of a smile of greeting. He is
starting to crack his knuckles

He looks at Brian and suddenly the shot of Brian goes black and
white. Then he is wearing a tee-shirt instead of the dark silky
button shirt he was wearing at the beginning of the scene. Then he
pulls his tee shirt off and is shirtless with the open water bottle
in his hand . Then he is pouring the water over his head and bare
chest. Close up of Brian's face shaking his head and shaking off the
water. This is actually Justin visualizing that scene from 501 when
Brian brought him to the loft.

Back to color and the present. Brian is dressed as he was at the
beginning of the scene. He finally speaks. He is just opening the
bottle now.

B: The club was packed tonight

J: (slight monotone, as he sits up and stifles a slight yawn): mmmmm.
That's nice. (he stretches his arms in front of him)

B: Line was all the way around the block

J: (sitting up now. Takes a quick breath) Great

B: Hardly any room on the dance floor

J:. Whatever happens, by all means, keep on dancing. (a tinge of
sarcasm? Just a tinge. Mostly there is weariness to his voice)

B: (Looks at him as he fiddles with the cap on the bottle. Slightly
flip tone. Not unkind, though) What about you, dear? How was your
evening? (he gives Justin a little smile. Almost the smile of a
little kid)

J. (stands) Not *nearly* as exciting as yours (again, weary monotone,
until this next part, which is said more evenly and firmly but still
in a quiet tone). I spent it here...alone...thinking. (he approaches
Brian who is standing behind the counter.Flicker of a smile from
Justin) And don't say `always a dangerous sign'."

Brian runs his index finger and thumb across his pursed lips,
miming: "My lips are sealed."

Justin leans his back against one of the steel columns. They are
about a foot apart. The tone of the conversation is quiet, straight
forward, but not hostile

J: I made some decisions

B: (unpurses his lips) `bout what

J: My life

B: Ah!

J What I want

B: (he approaches J and is right next to him) I thought you had that
all worked out. You're going to live of your conSID-er-able
Hollywood wealth and try your hand at being an artist. (flicker of a
smile. He's trying to make a joke. He knows something is coming)

J: (very serious now and a tad irritated) Why are you making fun of

B: (a bit taken aback) I'M not making fun.

(Justin looks at him with a slight raising of eyebrows. The message
is: "then what DO you mean?")

B: You're making me f**king nervous as hell (and his nervousness is
evident in his voice and face) (a loud out-take of breath is heard
from Justin) Just tell me what you want, what you decided..and we can
go to bed..and f**k.

J: (slight laugh and smile and shaking of his head). You already know
what I want. I already told you.

B: (His facial expression: `so THIS is what it's all about'. He
starts to turn away. Then he laughs) That's right. A husband (lapses
into Brianesque sarcastic tone) A family. A home (he draws this word
out: Whooome). EV-er-ything that makes life worth living.

J (not loud, but forceful) Would you F**King cut it out? (quietly)
Just *stop* it. (When he says "stop" you can hear what sounds like
him slapping the counter with the palm of his hand)

B is surprised by the strength of Justin's words and tone. He says

J (sighs) And I KNOW you can't give me those things

B: "Not can't. `Can't' denotes that I'm incapable. It's that I won't.

J:I accept that. I suppose that is one of the the reasons I've always
loved you.

Brian (turns away) Oh. The un-tame-able beast.

J: (very reasonably, resolutely and calmly) But to be a couple both
people need to want the same things. Move in the same direction. But
if they can't... or ..won't (a bit of emotion creeps into his voice
for a second ) they really have no other place to go.

B: (Stares at him a minute. Blinks) Probably not.

J: Then why are we still doing this if we know it's never going to

Closeup on Brian. He says nothing for about 5 seconds then for softly

B: Damned if I know

J stares at him for another few seconds then turns and walks out of
the frame. Cut to Brian who takes a drink of water. He watches J as
he walks over toward the bedroom and picks up his leather jacket
which is on the step or riser leading to the bed. He puts it on, then
reaches behind the partition and pulls out his big duffel bag which
is packed and hoists it over his shoulder..Then he picks up his back
back and heads towards the door

Close-up on Brian who now understands Justin is leaving.

Full-length long shot of the two of them standing in the middle of
the room with the door behind them

Justin drops the bags. Brian looks down at them for a few seconds

Justin then reaches up with one hand and places it on B's shoulder
and then puts his hand on Brian's neck and pulls himself toward
Brian, standing on his toes slightly. He then puts his other arm
around Brian and pulls him into a hug.

Brian stands there with both arms awkwardly at his side and then
embraces Justin

They hug tenderly

Individual over-the-shoulder shots of both their faces nuzzling on
each other's necks.

B: Where will you go?

J: I'll think of something

They release each other and J moves to the door

Close up of Brian. He is clenching his jaw. Sadness but also
reflection, contemplation in his eyes. He is thinking, taking it all

He turns toward the door.

B: Let me know.

J is in the door way and he stares at Brian sadly and pulls the door

close-up on Brian. He turns from the door and stares away





sad heart














Brian~   令人心碎,他真的很爱Justin,很爱,很爱,胜过一切。
当Justin要和他分手,他依然不愿责备他,而是怪在Michael身上。即使在跟Michael争吵时,他也说的是his blond little head。
很喜欢 you are my joy 这首歌,每次听时,感觉就象是Brian在对Justin说。
也是我想说的,your happiness is my joy.












我认为513结局非常合理,因为justin是想去ny的, 他毕竟不是女人,嫁个有钱对自己好的男人就满足了,他才22岁,而且那么有才华,不去ny闯一闯真是浪费生命。但是他都没有给brian看那本杂志,说明1、他太了解brian的性格了;2、他决定牺牲事业成全他们的爱。(J的爱很伟大)。可惜,人算不如天算,brian还是看到了那本杂志,他马上意识到justin的意图,不然他不会说:“因为你没给我看~”,这句话很说明问题。我觉得他后来的转性是他存心的,不然没理由变化那么大,或许有人会说求婚就已经不是他自己了,是的,但那是因为他想留住那个人,现在,他想那个人展翅高飞(B的爱更伟大)。虽然,他们分开了,虽然justin总是后知后觉,但总有一天他会认识到brian为他做的一切(他不是每次都认识到了嘛)回到他的身边。




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"They hug tenderly

Individual over-the-shoulder shots of both their faces nuzzling on
each other's necks."





下面是引用jerry1007于2005-06-03 17:19发表的:

我大汗一个 这是什么意思?偶怎么完全理解不了? [s:202]
J什么时候变成B一样了 根本没关系么 [s:192]


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