*The eyes that you could drown in. (眼睛嘛..不用说..电死人不偿命拉...)
*He's got the greatest bubble butt. (这里应该说的素屁屁哦..霍霍...的确很会扭噶~~ :loveliness: )
*He looks hot in glasses. (宝贝素近视眼...霍霍..)
*Our favorite artist.
*He looks great with a mohawk. (这个不知道素啥米东东...郁闷~~)
*He's a romantic
*He's not afraid to admit that he's an effeminate male. (指优柔的...可素偶一点也不觉得啊...诶..既然自己都这么说拉...天生受的料拉...表pai~~)
*He's a great dancer. (绝对同意啊...babylon king啊...)
*He's musically talented as well. (会唱歌??唱支偶听听...)
*His sunshine smile! (就素这个把大叔迷得...哈哈...)
*Because he's a "...Top...and bottom." (哈哈...可塑性真的很强...btw不会有人不知道top/bottom是啥米意思吧... :loveliness: 应该不会..呵呵..)
*Because he likes to play Tomb Raider. (不懂~~)
*He's blond. (头发颜色...美啊...)
*His lips. (嘴唇...想啃啊...)
*He thinks Mobys hott. (还素不懂~~~)
*He's the guy Brian f***ed more than once. (大叔对他素不会腻的拉...哈哈)
*He can be demanding when he needs too be. (对自己非常严格...)
*He can cook. (那次大叔吃得很香哟...)
*His former nipple ring. (哈哈...为了大叔豁出去了...nipple ring=乳环 :loveliness: )
*Because he's a smart cookie...1500 on his SATs. (都说他是天才了...)
*Because he's relentless. (不屈不挠的精神....)
*Because he writes fan letters too! (素真的啊??可惜偶的破英文..写了他也看不懂吧.. .)
*Because he's nice to his fans. (很高兴这点被证实了...哈哈...偶一直素这么想的拉...:loveliness: )
*Because he has great taste in music. (他喜欢的歌听了怕怕的...寒...估计太有内涵了...呵呵..)
*Because he can be bald and still look hot. (这个...秃头???打死我也不想去想啊啊啊...)
*Because he writes fan letters too! (素真的啊??可惜偶的破英文..写了他也看不懂吧.. .)
某个粉丝深受感触,于是突发奇想,以书信格式写了一篇The Lost Fanletter of Randy Harrison to JT Leroy并在网上散布,然后便有“Randy暗恋JT Leroy”的传闻,因为是在官方网站上发布,许多人都信以为真了,有人写信向JT Leroy考证,结果JT Leroy说他也是在网上看到的,觉得很有趣,所以就放上来了。
JT Leroy官方网站这里可以看到这封信 http://www.jtleroy.com/sightings.html
*Because he's nice to his fans. (很高兴这点被证实了...哈哈...偶一直素这么想的拉...:loveliness: )
*Because he has great taste in music. (他喜欢的歌听了怕怕的...寒...估计太有内涵了...呵呵..)
*Because he can be bald and still look hot. (这个...秃头???打死我也不想去想啊啊啊...)