
正好解释下有关Gant是否是Gay的问题,以及他和Kyan Douglas的关系(现在已经分手了吧)。相关照片见:

OUT Magazine, April 2004

Story by Peter Davis
Photographed exclusively for Out by Tony Duran

Robert Gant, known as Bobby to friends, is pinching himself. Standing in the tastefully muted living room of the Hollywood hills house he recently bought, Gant is ruminating about marriage. Is Gant, who plays Ben Bruckner on Showtime’s hit gay soap opera Queer as Folk, ready to share his life with a partner?

Robert Gant,也就是大家熟悉的bobby,现在正在被感情的事所困扰。站在他刚买下的Hollywood hills house雅致的房间内,gant正在考虑着结婚的问题(当然是和同性,呵呵——xiaohou86注),难道那个在同志肥皂剧Queer as Folk中扮演Professor Ben BrucknerGant准备和他的partner一起度过今后的生活了吗?
“I so want to marry someone,” Gant offers. “I have a vision for my life where I get married and raise a family. I’d like three or four kids. I want to be a dad and husband.” Gant glances around his cozy hideaway. “I’ll have to get a bigger house.”
Would Gant ever jet to Massachusetts to exchange vows with Kyan Douglas, the grooming guru of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, with whom he’s been spending time? Gant pauses, choosing his words prudently. “I really like Kyan,” he says. “He’s a terrific guy. We’re just getting to know each other right now.”
难道Gant真的要去Massachusetts州去和他曾经度过美好时光的Kyan Douglas交换誓言吗?(Kyan Douglas就是在Queer Eye for the Straight Guy中扮演grooming guru的那个人)Gant顿了顿,谨慎地说道:“我很喜欢Kyan,他也的确很棒,但我们现在只是刚刚开始相互了解。”
American audiences have been getting to know—and love—Gant. As the HIV-positive professor in a relationship with Michael (Hal Sparks) on Queer as Folk, Gant tackles, with wit and a sense of humanity, sticky story lines like ’roid rage, adopting a teenage street hustler, and being in a relationship with a negative partner. Sparks gushes when asked about playing Gant’s boyfriend. “The best thing is Bobby’s enthusiasm for the show,” Sparks raves. “The show is about love and trying to have a relationship. Sex scenes are uncomfortable and weird to do. When you work with a steady partner like Bobby, you have a strong respect for each other, and you make a connection appear on-screen.”
Gant已经被很多美国观众所了解和喜爱(当然也有无穷的中国fans——xiaohou86)。在Queer as Folk中,Gant饰演MichaelHal Sparks饰)的伴侣Ben——一位HIV阳性的教授。Gant很好地把握了剧中的角色:智慧善良的一位文学教授、sticky story lines like ’roid rage(这句不太明白……)、收养了一个街头hustlerhunter)、有一位没有感染HIV的伴侣……当谈到Gant饰演的男友时,Sparks毫不遮掩的表达了自己的赞美:“最不可思议的事情就是Bobby给整个剧带来的热情,”Sparks继续说,“整个的电视剧都是关于爱情和人与人之间关系的,虽然演sex场景时的确会有点不习惯,让我感觉怪怪的,但当你和一位稳重可靠的演员也就是说Bobby一起合作时,你就会有一种强烈的相互促进的感觉,并且能很自然的在表演中发挥出来。”
Queer as Folk confronts issues such as sex and drugs unapologetically. “I’m proud of this show for where it goes sexually,” Gant proclaims. “For my gay brethren who had such problems with the drugs and sex, I ask you to consider the shame we have carried around about who we were and the manifestations of the self-loathing we feel that has caused us to have addictive issues, be it crystal or alcohol. [Queer as Folk] is the story of boys becoming men.”
Queer as Folk直面性以及吸毒的问题,没有什么忸怩的掩饰。“我为这部电视敢于正确涉及性方面(当然也就涉及吸毒、卖淫、乱交等等——xiaohou86)的问题而感到高兴,”Gant说到:“在我所认识得gay之中,也有很多人都有着吸毒、疾病等问题,我建议他们应该好好去想想自己,扪心自问一下自己以前就一直是这样吗?还是自恶情绪(self-loathing)让我们自己去沉迷于那些东西,不论是酒精,还是crystal(一种毒品,我觉得应该是冰毒——xiaohou86),[Queer as Folk]正是为我们讲述了如何从男孩成长为真正的男人。”
In August 2002, Gant decided to come out publicly. Pre–Queer as Folk, Gant had been cast as the (heterosexual) love interest or husband or young dad on shows like Caroline in the City and Veronica’s Closet. Some of Gant’s business representatives urged him not to reveal his sexual orientation, for the sake of his career. Peter Paige, who plays Emmett on the show, remembers, “I was sad and frustrated for Bobby. I could see it on his face, how much he wanted to be clean, clear, and out in the open.”
2002年的八月,Gant决定出柜。在Queer as Folk之前,Gant在屏幕上的形象总是异性恋、好丈夫或者是小孩子的爸爸,比如说Caroline in the CityVeronica’s Closet等等。Gant的一些事业上的代理人(直接翻译的,不知道术语叫什么)极力劝告他为了他的个人事业不要向外界公布自己的性取向。(当然最后Gant顶住压力了!——xiaohou86)据Peter Paige(饰演emmett)回忆说:“我当时真的为Bobby感到难过。我可以从他的脸上看出,他真得很想以真实的自己面对社会。”
Gant recalls that when he told his mother about coming out on the cover of The Advocate, she responded, “Why don’t you shoot me through the heart with a shotgun first?” “I didn’t give a damn! I decided to surrender to it all,” Gant says, and his mother eventually came around. “Today, the truth is that my career has never been stronger. There’s far more interest in me as an actor than when I was closeted.” Gant’s sea-blue eyes widen. He lets out a satisfied roar of a laugh. “Coming out was the best thing I could have ever done for my career.” Queer as Folk executive producer Ron Cowen concurs: “Being out and honest is important to Bobby. I don’t think he’d be comfortable having it any other way.”
Gant回忆当他告诉他母亲在The Advocate作为封面人物出柜时,她的第一反应就是:“你为什么不直接朝我心脏开一枪呢?”“我并没有说什么不该说的,我打算承认一切”(翻译的不太确定——xiaohou86Gant说。他母亲最后也转变了态度。“现在,事实就是我的时也从未如此辉煌和成功。作为一名出柜的演员,这种兴奋是不能和我以前没出柜时相比的。”从此Gant湛蓝如海的眼睛更加迷人了,他高兴得笑着说:“出柜是我做过的对我事业最有帮助的一件事。”Queer as Folk的执行制片人Ron Cowen赞同道:“公开和坦诚对Bobby来说是很重要的。如果他继续掩饰下去,他不会快乐的。”
Born and raised in a blue-collar family in Tampa, Fla., Gant (real surname: Gonzalez) was obsessed with being the "perfect" child. "For me, 'gay' was nonexistent. To my understanding, I was the only gay person in the world," he says. Gant's first gay sexual experience was with an older football player on prom night in the stairwell of a hotel. When he was 20 his mother eavesdropped on a phone conversation and discovered he was gay. But he wasn't ready to be candid about his desires. As an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania, which he attended before heading to Georgetown University Law Center; he joined a homophobic fraternity of jocks and dated women. Gant, who likes reading self-help books, says, "I so wanted to be the best little boy in the world, to do it the 'right way,' so I joined the frat. I couldn't contemplate the idea of not taking that path. I was in the closet, hiding and invisible. I was willing to put myself, as many gay guys are, in situations that are pain-inflicting. It's an offshoot of low self-esteem. It's embarrassing to say these things, because now I've come to experience such self-love. I need to realize that it's OK to have had my journey."
Gant cherishes the myriad e-mails he receives from young gay men who look to him as a role model. He reads one on his laptop from a boy struggling to tell his family he's gay. "You're my hero," the boy writes. "Your work on Queer as Folk is a testament to strength of character and bravery," Gant's eyes well up. "I'm going to cry," he says softly.
Gant非常珍视那些年轻的同性恋给他发来的无数的e-mail,他们去都把Gant当作英雄。他在笔记本中读着一封来信,这封信的作者正在为该不该向家人承认他是gay而作者思想斗争。“你就是我的英雄,你在Queer as Folk中的表现简直就是教给我们勇气的一本圣经。”Gant的眼睛湿润了,“我忍不住都要哭了”他轻声说。
In addition to Queer As Folk, which shoots six months of the year in Toronto, Gant will appear in the upcoming indie film Marie and Bruce with Julianne Moore and Matthew Broderick. Gant started a production company with producer Chris Racster and out actor Chad Allen called Mythgarden. The trio's first project is Save Me, a movie written by Craig Chester, about a center in Texas where gay men and lesbians go to become straight, in which Gant and Allen will star. Gant also volunteers his time to Senior Action in a Gay Environment and is working on a Web site addressing the issue of aging for gays. "One of the cool things about coming out is how much energy I have," Gant boasts. "That's one of the reasons my acting has blossomed and why I've been able to take on so many things. All that energy isn't going into perpetuating a facade, to hiding. I'm constantly reveling in this new freedom."
再多说一些Queer As Folk,这部剧每年在多伦多拍摄了六个月,而且Gant还将在Marie and Bruce公司的即将出品的电影中与Julianne MooreMatthew Broderick一同出镜。Gant和制作人Chris Racster与另一出柜演员Chad Allen共同创办了一家名为Mythgarden公司。这三人公司的第一部作品是由Craig Chester 创作的电影《Save Me》,这部影片是关于一个设在德克萨斯州的帮助男同女同变成异性恋的‘救助中心’的故事。这部影片由GantAllen共同主演。同时,Gant还志愿去做一些关注老年同性恋的事情,并且在网上撰写一些关于同性恋年龄构成的一些问题(这个不太保证翻译的准确性,因为确实也不太了解——xiaohou86)。“出柜让我得到的最大的好处是我可以有更大的力量和影响力去帮助其他人”Gant有些自豪地说:“这也是我演艺事业繁盛以及我有更多的精力去做那么多事情的原因。所有的我的这些精力不是去使伟大的事情不朽,而是去帮助那些还在阴影中的人们,我将会让我的这种乐观积极的行为在我获得真正的自由之后继续延续下去。”
Dodging further inquiries into life with Kyan Douglas, Gant switches the subject to pets. He yearns to own a chocolate Lab and a brown liver-spotted Dalmatian. "I like that the two would match. The browns would coordinate," he suggests with a chuckle. Gant, whose body looks fit even under a slouchy sweatshirt, takes a bite of tuna fish. He's eager to hit a spinning class at Crunch. Gant gazes around his outdoor patio, where chirping birds and a fountain provide a Zenlike soundtrack, "I used to think my destiny was to be unhappy," he confesses earnestly, "I'm really happy now. I'm constantly amazed by what's possible. It's only begun."
<Correction: Robert was 20, not 16 when the overheard phone call occurred.>





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