我觉得即使抛开qaf同志的色彩,brian和justin的确是比较理想化和戏剧性,不算很现实把,而且他们的感情在现实中肯定不会发生,一是brian性格有点极端了,二是justin对刚开始brian是一种英雄崇拜式的痴迷,的确不是成熟的感情。randy不认同可以接受,不过我也不明白他为什么说 How could I be friends with someone who has nervous breakdowns at spilled
marinara sauce, assaults high school enemies with small firearms, and has been systematically and repeatedly betrayed, lied to, condescended to, and humiliated by his boyfriend for four years, brian什么时候betray justin, lie to justin了? 而且最重要的是,brian对justin是look after, 怎么能说是condescending呢?em08