今天重看了s4 。
brian 知道justin知道他得了癌症后(这句话说的真别嘴~xixi) justin被扫地出门。 通过michael的指点,justin决定采用“死赖着不走”战术“ :) brian回家后看到justin正悠哉哉的煲汤,想用”大声喧哗“吓走他,于是,好戏上演咯~~
个人认为这一段的表演,两位演员都给出了A+ 水准,每一个眼神,每一个字,每一个肢体语言,都默契得不得了~ (废-话!赶紧说正事儿~~!xixi)
"you are not fine !"
"and what the hell you are asking me for ?!!"
"so that i can tell you waht a motherfucking piece of shit you are for not telling me, for shutting me out, for thinking that you can handle this on your own, and most of all , for think that i would leave , why would you think that? cause you are ball removed? cos your are no longer perfect?! woo~ believe me mr kinney, that is the least of your inperfectings, and if i want to leave you i have better reasons, plenty of them!"
"and i want you get you ass back in bed you son of bitch! and eat some fucking chicken soup!!"
最后这一句说的畅快致极 ~~!brian当然已经是目瞪口呆 (小样儿的~~傻了吧,把老婆整激眼了吧。xixixixi),只好乖乖的躺到床上去,接下来应该是”亲侍汤药“阶段,这里没有表现就出字幕了,但是有多甜蜜,想必大家已心中有数~~
哎~~justin 煲的汤,浸着满满的爱,浓的都化不开~~~