You're Justin. You are a student who would just like to drop everything and create art. You have a lot to learn about yourself and the world around you. That's why everyone you hang out with, besides your best friend, is older than you.

8124 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 28930 times.
33% of people had this result.



You are Debbie. You are very strong willed and always fighting for what you believe in. Your clothes are just as colorful as your personality. You are an absolute sweetheart.

2990 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 28934 times.
12% of people had this result.


I am Justin.


原帖由 kaka22 于 2005-2-5 14:41 发表
我狂倒,结果是You are Debbie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



哈哈。。。“You're Michael. You don't have as many relationships as the rest of your friends because once you start a relationship you stick to it. You are very reliable and just as loyal. At times you have been known to be very sensitive.”
我就知道我象MICHAEL,我最喜欢的MICHAEL:s12 :s12 :s12


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