
从头开始QAFgo through every episode, every single sentence, 以下记录偶的感觉,相对主观且絮烦得很,写给自己做memo

The thing you need to know is all about sex.
It's true.
In fact they say men think about sex every 28s,of course that's straight, gay men is every 9.
You can be at supermarket or the laundry matter, buying a fabulous shirt when suddenly you find yourself checking out some hot guy, hotter than the one you saw last weekend or went home with the night before which explain why we were always in Babylon at one in the morning instead at home in bed.
But who wants to be at home in bed, especial alone, when you can be here, knowing that many moment, you might see him, the most beautiful man who ever lived.
That is, until tomorrow night. //这句他想说啥?不懂==|||

Such a cute guy he is. Smart and hot.
Brian and Justin came along——
B:   how is it going? had a busy night?
J:    just, uh, checking out the bars, you know, boytoy, meathook. //现学现卖的,天才Justin.
B:   my disco-pharmacologist cooks this up for me. // 这家伙不干好事儿。
J:    I'm really allergic to a lot of drugs. The doctor gave me Penicillin once, nearly killed me. And...Tylenol.
// ^_^最搞笑的就是这句,马上就被拆穿了。
B:   Tylenol? No one's allergic to Tylenol. Tylenol's what they give you when you're allergic to everything else.
// 怀心眼的家伙,这时候Brian应该已经感觉到Justin is virgin. ^_^ 而故意没拆穿,继续陪他玩,不过未成年可能不在计划中,Brian讨厌麻烦,也不喜欢twinkie.
J:    Well, uh, codeine. Codeine's the worst. // 继续编
       Like, I get diarrhea and start vomiting uncontrollably at the same time.
// 还上吐下泻,编得像真事儿似的,可爱的孩子,说不吃就好了,还非要装酷说不是不想吃而是不能吃,笑~~~
◆非常可贵的一点是He always remembers condom. 制作者在给观众上性教育课呢^_^
Justin也很会察言观色,随机应变。没去医院前,Brian and Justin in bed——
B:   I mean in bed. //坏心眼的,明明已经猜到了还要继续逗人家。
J:    oh. This is fine. //我理解成“这样就好了”,笑~~
B:   are you a top or a bottom?
J:    Top... ... // 这里Brian脸色变了一下,小J马上改口
       and bottom. // 好长一口气,笑死偶了。


◆他是真的随时可以为Brian放弃生命,虽然害怕,仍然几乎没有犹豫的上了roof ledgethanks god, 那时候Brian还没磕药,不然说不好是不是就真的飞了。
◆美中不足是他的jealous M竟然自欺欺人的说B, " he calls me, practically begs me to go with him "。笑,不过这是人性嘛。

Hardly can define him. Let's just say he is so Brian.
◆他害怕长大害怕变老,希望时间在自己仍然完美时停驻,某种意义上来说是个无可救药的浪漫主义者。"tick, tick, tick, tick... ..."
◆到1X01结束时,BrianJustin,与对其他人相比,并没有更多的感Anyway, Justin's a hot guy, but only a hot guy. 谈起自己的first time只能算是有感而发吧,或是刚刚得知做了父亲心理比较脆弱,笑,小J很幸运哦。至于从楼顶下来以后,那是磕了药的,所有言行不在考虑之中。
Thanks to Brian的某方面本能,虽然他已经晕到开始倒立和变戏法,还是给了小J一个很好的回忆,给了QAF故事发展的空间。Let's see Brian's magic together.
B:   I want you to always remember this so that no matter who you're with, I'll always be there.
// Brian的咒语生效了…………
//J:I just saw the face of god. His name is Brian Kinney.
◆早上起来接着做,虽然不足以证明小J是他喜欢的类型(Brian属于通吃型的==|||),但足以说明小J's really hot!

Mel这时候还没开始用the f**k代替the hell作为感叹。
Emmett没有后来那么totally queen, 记得后来某件事让他变得更自信。

Beautiful Songs
"Deeper Love" by Ruff Driverz   Justin on Liberty Ave.
//Justin出现在Liberty Ave
"You Think You're A Man" by Full Frontal    Brian and Justin in apartment first time
"Proud" by Heather Small     Michael & Brian on roof ledge

***************Feb. 9th, 2007*************

[ 本帖最后由 阿杰的天使 于 2007-2-11 16:49 编辑 ]











原帖由 krissy 于 2007-2-9 17:34 发表




The thing you need to know is, it's all about sex. It's true. In fact, they say men think about sex every 28 seconds. Of course, that's straight men. Gay men it's every nine. You could be at the supermarket, or the laundromat or buying a fabulous shirt when suddenly you find yourself checking out some hot guy. Hotter than the one you saw last weekend or went home with the night before, which explains why we're all at Babylon at one in the morning instead of at home, in bed. But who wants to be at home, in bed? Especially alone, when you can be here, knowing that at any moment, you might see him. The most beautiful man who ever lived. That is, until tomorrow night.




1X02Brian & Justin的互动不多。
There's only two kinds of straight people in this world. The ones that hate you to your face, and the ones that hate you behind your back.
Look, I don't believe in love. I believe in fucking. It's honest. It's efficient. You get in and out with a maximum of pleasure and a minimum of bullshit. Love is something that straight people tell themselves they're in so they can get laid, and then they end up hurting each other, Because it was all based on lies to begin with.

To Define Brian
// 其他人口中的Brian, 是人说话总会片面、不客观, 甚至口是心非,偶只是记录而已
L:       That he does exactly what he wants. No excuses. No apologies.
M:     Brian is a selfish prick who doesn't care about anyone but himself.
// M在劝Justin

Justin talked about Brian to Daphne with a childish expression and happiness in his face.
At the end of 1X02, Justin was turned down.
B:   If that's what you want then go and find yourself a pretty little girl and get married.
J:    That's not what I want.
J:    I want you!!
B:   You can't have me. I'm too old...you're too young for me.

M:  Oh no you don't. Come back here. You're not sticking us with that kid. He's your responsibility. Now get back in there.
// 无论初衷如何,Michel人还是不错滴
B:   You know, I'm getting a little sick of people telling me what's my responsibility.
If Lindsay and Melanie want to go off and have a kid, that's their responsibility!
If, what's his name, Justin wants to go out and pick up guys while he's still in high school, that's his responsibility!
My responsibility is to myself. I don't owe anybody a goddamn thing!!
When in a mood, sex is always Brian's way of release. Also, when Brian Kinney's  in a mood, nothing can be taken into account.
Then, came Mr. Goodfuck(^_^). Although his is not as good-looking as Mr. Kinney or Justin, at least he behaved as a responsible adult. He knows it's not very kind sending a kid of that age off by himself at that time of night, opposite to Brian.

Beautiful Songs
"Louisiette" by Prairie Oyster          Michael enters sports bar
"Sleep" by Dandy Warhols            Brian and Justin by car
//Justin被拒绝, Brian注视着Justin离开的方向,偶喜欢这歌
"Minimal Peach" by Greek Buck        Michael in old room

*********Feb. 10th 2007*********
Brian Kinney's Words
It matters that he's been in this world less than a week, and already there are people who won't accept him for the way he is, who'd even mutilate him rather than let him be the way he is, the way he was born.
// in Gus's circumcision. (==||||恐怖的净化仪式)
// the way he is, the way he was born, ^_^ ,that's what they use when talk about homosexual.

Cute boy, he knows and is good at using his own advantages.
Brian's dancing with two hot guys when Justin took off his shirt and entered the dance floor. And then Justin's one-night stand with Brian is more than once. ^_^

Ted met Blake and overdosed.
Emmett mets a male hooker by mistake.
Vic lent Justin his Babylon ID card.
Brian & Michel do drugs together in the men's room, Michel kinda meant to do it, Brian turned him down.

Beautiful Songs
"Let's Hear It For The Boy" by Katty B.         Justin enters the dance floor
       // 这个偶喜欢

*********Feb. 10th 2007*********

[ 本帖最后由 阿杰的天使 于 2007-2-11 16:46 编辑 ]



Ted was in the coma, and Brian was supposed to be the one who pull the plug of his life support machines
Brian and L's conversation about alive
B:   The machines say he's still alive. What about us? We don't have any beeps or wires with little white dots telling us we're alive, so how do we know? I guess we just take each other's word. //这还是一哲人^_^
L:    Maybe we know from what people expect from us. //这个也差不多==|||
Brian decided to take Ted's living will, which proves he is not totally heartless asshole. But Ted's reason is somehow cruel: "Because you're a heartless shit. You could pull the plug and you wouldn't cry. And you'd know when it's time to go."

Justin helped Hobbs cleaning out the athletic room and gave him a handjob.
It was Hobbs that talked about sex first and stared at Justin with a horny expression in his eyes, which makes me think he was secretly in love with Justin or at least he is also gay.

At this time, Justin's only a kid, immature and far away from the best homosexual.
When his mother founds out and try talking to him about it, Justin run away.
At Debby's home, he spoke mouthful and told lies about father. Actually his father didn't know yet. The most childish thing is he threatens other people with his own life.
       //We also can see Michael's jealous and Vic's humorous
M:  This is not about you and the gay mother of the year award. This is about Brian's one-night stand.
J:    Not just one.
M:  Don't bet on it and who here even cares?
V:   I do. //So sweat! This old guy really has a sense of humor.
J:    My dad threatened to disown me. He called me a big queer.
V:   He didn't hit you, did he?
M:  Oh, come on, uncle Vic. You're not going to listen to this shit.
J:    That's why I have to see Brian. He'll let me stay with him.
M:  I don't think so.
J:    Well then, I'll go to New York. I'll become a hustler and I'll sell my body to gross, old homos. I'm going to throw up. I've gotta vomit.
V:   I'll give you 20 bucks. //笑~~ Debby打了
       Save him the train fare.
Until now, we could probably see some reasons why Justin can survive this "Brian Chasing Campaign".
First, He's young, kinda innocent which makes him brave.
Second, he always knows exactly what his own advantages are and use them wisely.
Last but not the least, good fortune. For instance, when Justin at the Debbys, Ted woke up from the coma so that Brian was in a really good mood. Brian wasn't angry with him, but also fked him in Michael's old room.
//原谅偶用fk这么indecent的词,不过某人发泄情绪的过程实在无法称为make love.

Debby: I've always said it isn't who you love, it's how you love. Genitalia is simply god's way of accessorizing.
Emmett's flame is not so bright as it's used to be when in a low mood.
Michael found out that Ted was in love with him when cleaning up his condo.
Ted thinks that watching Brian Kinney fucking for all eternity is his punishment in hell.      
//不知道是不是因为Michael, Brian似乎一直是Ted自卑的原因之一,poor Schmidt.

Beautiful Songs
"Loving you" by Kristine W.
//Justin ran off to the Brians, shouted "Brian" desperately outside the building.
"Straight To Number One" by Touch 'N Go  Brian & Justin in Michael's Room

***************Feb. 26th, 2007*************

[ 本帖最后由 阿杰的天使 于 2007-2-27 01:19 编辑 ]


em03 加油加油~我蹲点守侯~




em09 英文很差


原帖由 BABYLONTEENS 于 2007-2-27 17:34 发表
em09 英文很差


Brian Kinney言论
The only faggots worth laughing at are the ones who don't tell the truth.
You think you do. Because that's what you're taught to think, "we all need each other." Well, it's a crock of shit! You're the only one you need. You're the only one you've got.
The point of a date, or so it's been explained to me by those who do that sort of thing, is that you actually get to know the other person before you fuck them.

To Define Brian Kinney
// 其他人口中的Brian, 是人说话总会片面、不客观, 甚至口是心非,偶只是记录而已
Mel & Linz
M:  He's a selfish shithead!       //selfish的帽子还要戴多久啊
L:    Maybe, but he's honest! He tells the truth, and He doesn't pretend.

◆一如往昔的执着,开始有一点点效果了,BrianJustin逃到他家时赶走了one-night-stand对象,倒不是有什么大的进展,但总算是没像Mr. Goodfuck那时放着他不管,或者说Brian没在闹情绪时会稍微软化一点儿。场景如下,被赶走的家伙暂且称之为big bottom ^_^, 简称BB——
BB:Oh, man! I'm so horny. I want you to fuck me for hours. And I'm a top.
B:   Yeah, that's what all the biggest bottoms say.
B:   Oh, fuck!
BB:Jesus, who's this?
B:   That's the president of my fan club.       //^_^
       What do you want?
J:    My mom's out of control. Now she's following me.
B:   That must be an inherited trait.       //==||||拿人家父母开玩笑不好吧
J:    I'm not going home. Well, you're not staying here!
B:   There's nowhere else I can go. Do you want me to sleep on the street? I could get killed.    //这坏小孩又拿自己的安全来威胁别人
BB:Why don't you get lost, you little asshole? I was here first.
B:   Better yet, why don't you? Beat it!
BB:Fuck you!
B:   You're the bottom. remember?
J:    Thanks.
B:  Look, I told you I'm not your lover; I'm not your partner; I'm not even your friend. You're not anything to me.  //放弃强硬,开始试着讲道理
J:    I could be, if you gave me a chance.
B:   Where did you learn to talk like that? Watching some teen drama?
J:   I need you!       // I love you; I want you; I need you. Brian坚持不了多久鸟,笑
B:   No, you think you do. Because that's what you're taught to think, "We all need each other." Well, it's a crock of shit! You're the only one you need. You're the only one you've got.
The couch. Just for tonight. And don't jerk off on it.//笑~~这厮嘴真是J

Michael遇到了David, a doctor, a chiropractor.看来之前Michael也没交过男朋友嘛。
Brian try entertaining an old client.不过那人实在太龌龊鸟,忍不下去回去抱儿子去了。
Jennifer真是伟大啊,天下有几个母亲能坐在gallery里等在Men's room XXOO的儿子。叛逆期小孩Justin还没意识到自己有多幸运。"Stop running from me, because I'm not running from you. I'm still your mother, and you're still my son, and I still love you."

Beautiful Songs
"Sexy Boy" by Kinky Boyz feat. KiaBrian & Baby

***************Feb. 27th, 2007*************


















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