Justin和Brian的一些經典對話, 也是我最喜歡的
大家好 ~~ !
下面係Justin和Brian的一些經典對話, 也是我最喜歡的
希望大家也把一些自己最喜歡的對話說出來 (不一定只是他們兩個)
Brian: You live with your parents?
Justin: Well I'm still in school. I mean, college. 大學
Brian: What year are you in?
Justin: Junior. Sophomore.(大學,高中的)二年級學生 Between my junior and sophomore year.
Brian: How old are you?
Justin: 21.
Brian: What year were you born?
Justin: 19...79.
Brian: Bullshit,(胡說.大話) you had to think to answer that. How old are you really?
Justin: 20...19...18.
Brian: Well, what is this, a missle launch (導彈發射) ?
Justin: 17.
喜歡Justin的可愛 ><
"Pop quiz(突擊測驗) . Here's your question. Multiple choice.(多項選擇)
Do you want to come home with me?
A, yes. B, yes. Or C, yes. Tick tick tick! Time's up, pencils down. What do you say?"
Look, I don't believe in love. I believe in fucking.
It's honest, it's efficient.(效率高的)
Do anything, say anything, fuck anything.
No excuses,(原諒 ) no apologies,(道歉) no regrets.(懊悔)
I love him more than anything else in my life。 (以往的岁月,他就是我想要参与的全部)
「我可不这么想。Not until I say so.」