[影评]You Have to Give People Hope【转载】

You Have to Give People Hope

作者:sabretooth (豆瓣影评 授权转载)

  18岁的时候,我从中国来到旧金山,这个北加州美丽的海港城市,我在这里一住就是很多年。旧金山的一切都是色彩斑斓的: 红色的金门桥(golden gate bridge),蓝色的海湾(bay area),绿色的金门公园(golden gate park),褐色的双峰(twin peak),六色的彩红旗(rainbow banner),五光十色的市场街(market street)...... 在市场街的西南角,靠近市政广场的第5区,垂直于Castro St.有一面没有人会错过的庞大的彩红旗所象征着同性恋社区。在这里,在几乎整一条Castro St.上,家家户户的门前,商店和附近的住宅门口,都有一面小型的彩红旗,象征着房屋主人的身份。以至于,在大学文学史的课本里,当美国历史上最杰出的作家们描述到这些个坐落于第5区的六棱型窗户的免于1906年旧金山大地震的维多利亚式别墅屋时,也会用它们来代表美国的同性恋文化。这些人为了追求自己的幸福和自由,从封建的家庭中逃脱出来,从美国的各个角落里逃脱出来,躲避到这一个海角天涯,躲避到一起,直到七十年代,他们在这里寻找到了自己的声音,于是他们在这里把自由的号角吹响,将北加州的阳光和雨露,润泽到每个信仰自由和民主的人心里。而为他们吹响了号角的这一位勇士,正是本片的主角,Harvey Milk。

  旧金山有一个白人笑话。1/3的旧金山市民是亚裔,1/3是非裔和拉丁裔,其余1/3是同性恋。她是美国非主流和叛逆者的总部。不仅如片中所说,是全美第一个选举了同性恋当选为市议员的城市,也是全美第一个大麻合法化,以及全美第一个同性恋婚姻合法化的城市。用Sean Penn的话来说,You commie, homo-loving sons-of-guns,就是再好也不过的来形容旧金山的市民了。当我来到这里的时候,市议会议长Tom Ammiano就是一名同性恋,Harvey Milk种的种子,最终在这里开出了美艳的花。

  这部影片让我震惊于我对于这个城市的陌生。也许我只是跟很多无知的人一样,在万圣节夜晚穿着变装来到Castro St.参加聚集了全市人民的变装大舞会,或者和其他一些无聊的人一样只是在寻求刺激时到这里来寻找一个同性恋酒吧一睹其中风采。而对于历史上这一段腥风血雨却一无所知。我只看到这些人旁若无人地在街上拥吻,只听到两个同性恋的教授教导我的微积分,只读到一些个同样是同性恋的文学史教授教导的论文或者诗歌,自以为也沾染了一些自由和民主的气息,足以自称为一个San Franciscan。

  然后我来到了洛衫矶,同样润泽了加州丰润的阳光和雨露的南部大都市,以及与她左近的Orange County(橙县,既片中所说加州最为保守的地区)。相比旧金山人穿着的色调单一灰暗,南加州的蓝天碧海纸醉金迷,让这里的人们都衣着光鲜亮丽。我在这里接触了上帝和圣经,在这些衣着光鲜的人群里,却也聆听和受教于他们内心深处的腐朽和封建。

  Sean Penn在Kodak Theater授奖时如是说:
  And finally, for those, two last finallies, for those who saw the signs of hatred as our cars drove in tonight, I think that it is a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect and anticipate their great shame and the shame in their grandchildren's eyes if they continue that way of support. We've got to have equal rights for everyone.

  回忆去年11月4日选举的那一个早上我在认为与自己无关痛痒的Prop.8选案上投赞成的那一霎那,我的灵魂是可耻的。我被那些所谓的虔诚的信徒包括我的至亲至友所唬住了,认为在这个议案上投反对票就等于为自己预定了下地狱的直达车票。他们认为,这个议案在并没有剥夺同性恋任何权益的同时,只是捍卫了“婚姻”这一在宗教中具有神圣意义的字眼的定义。它是仅应存在于一个男人和一个女人之间的信约。而同性恋的法定结合方式"civil union"在美国享有和婚姻家庭同样的权益。

  当我看了本片而热泪盈眶后,我知道自己当时愚蠢得有多离谱。如果这个世界上有人为了捍卫一个字眼而去剥夺其他人对于它享有的权利,那么他们与剥夺了他人其它权利之间又有什么分别,与纳粹或者种族主义者又有什么区别,与那些我曾经鄙视和不屑的人又有什么区别?这个法案终将会在美国最为自由派的加州再次出台,就如同影片中Harvey Milk为竞选第5区的Supervisor而不懈努力一样,而这一次我不会再无关痛痒于我的政治信仰。

  正如片中集会时Harvey Milk所说,每个人都应该给他人以希望。
  下面我摘录一段Harvey Milk生前精彩的演讲稿的内容与大家分享:
  I can't forget the looks on faces of people who've lost hope. Be they gay, be they seniors, be they blacks looking for an almost-impossilbe job, be they Latins trying to explain their problems and aspirations in a tongue that's foreign to them. I personally will never forget that people are more important than buildings. I use the word "I" because I'm proud. I stand here tonight in front of my gay sisters, brothers and friends because I'm proud of you. I think it's time that we have many legislators who are gay and proud of that fact and do not have to remain in the closet. I think that a gay person, up-front, will not walk away from a responsibility and be afraid of being tossed out of office. After Dade County, I walked among the angry and the frustrated night after night and I looked at their faces. And in San Francisco, three days before Gay Pride Day, a person was killed just because he was gay. And that night, I walked among the sad and the frustrated at City Hall in San Francisco and later that night as they lit candles on Castro Street and stood in silence, reaching out for some symbolic thing that would give them hope. These were strong people, whose faces I knew from the shop, the streets, meetings and people who I never saw before but I knew. They were strong, but even they needed hope.
  And the young gay people in the Altoona, Pennsylvanias and the Richmond, Minnesotas who are coming out and hear Anita Bryant on television and her story. The only thing they have to look forward to is hope. And you have to give them hope. Hope for a better world, hope for a better tomorrow, hope for a better place to come to if the pressures at home are too great. Hope that all will be all right. Without hope, not only gays, but the blacks, the seniors, the handicapped, the us'es, the us'es will give up. And if you help elect to the central committee and other offices, more gay people, that gives a green light to all who feel disenfranchised, a green light to move forward. It means hope to a nation that has given up, because if a gay person makes it, the doors are open to everyone.
  So if there is a message I have to give, it is that I've found one overriding thing about my personal election, it's the fact that if a gay person can be elected, it's a green light. And you and you and you, you have to give people hope. Thank you very much.

看完MILK的演讲稿, 我流泪了.
中国为同志维权的人有, 但被听到的少, 没有如此的感染力
A: one and only
love: True love
to: not yet & for purpose
expose: out. not hide. be self bravely





即使我們有多強壯、多堅強、多忍讓,我們不能否認自己的孤單,我們不能否認自己有多渴求希望,我們不能否認我們都希望在我們的國家裡能有一個Harvey Milk。


it's the fact that if a gay person can be elected, it's a green light. And you and you and you, you have to give people hope.  美国gays人要谢谢 milk 给了他们生活的希望和阳光, 咱们中国的呢?


回复 5# amiamiho

    Milk只是出头, 美国Gay People自己也很争气! 我们生活的希望和阳光要靠自己争取, 不能把希望寄托在一两个争取权益的领袖身上.

国际歌都这么唱, "从来就没有救世主, 也没有神仙与皇帝", 说的就是自己要争气!


gay right斗争是长久的,不仅需要那些已经出轨的人士加入,更需要社会广泛的人士参与


You Have to Give People Hope。。。光看到这句话我就泪奔了。。

















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