再看B得了癌症,努力push Justin away的情节,我简直要哭了。B的口头禅是“you're so pathetic!”殊不知原来他才是最pathetic的那个——B最害怕的是什么?变老。为什么?变老了又如何?因为他觉得自己变老了,在sex上就没有了吸引力,就没有人愿意和他在一起了。(btw,这个“在一起”不是指像朋友和亲人一样的在一起,而是指情侣之间的在一起。)因为他不承认有爱的存在,但他又不想be alone……天!B叔,你太别扭啦!——不过当J大吼“So that I can tell you what a mother-fucking piece of shit you are for not telling me! For shutting me out. For thinking that you could handle this on your own. And most of all, for thinking that I would leave you. Why would you think that? Cause you had a ball removed? Because you’re no longer perfect? Well, believe me, Mr. Kinney, that is the least of your imperfections. And if I’d wanted to leave you, I’ve had better reasons. Plenty of 'em.*”的时候,难道还有谁能错过B眼里的动容?难道还有谁听不见B心里的冰层噼里啪啦崩溃融化的声音?后面B那句“Maybe you should have. ”一点气势也没有,除了又在闹别扭了还能作何他想?
Brian: (shouting) Then what the hell are you asking me for?
Justin: So that I can tell you what a mother-fucking piece of shit you are for not telling me! For shutting me out. For thinking that you could handle this on your own. And most of all, for thinking that I would leave you. Why would you think that? Cause you had a ball removed? Because you’re no longer perfect? Well, believe me, Mr. Kinney, that is the least of your imperfections. And if I’d wanted to leave you, I’ve had better reasons. Plenty of 'em.
Brian: Maybe you should have.
Justin: Yeah, maybe you’re right. But I thought we had a commitment. And I plan to stand by it. Now why don’t you get your ass back in bed, you son-of-a-bitch! And eat some fucking chicken soup.