Two hot-bodied hunks dominate this Canadian gay drama about an artist who falls in love with a married "straight" guy.
This independent Canadian drama from Brad Fraser, the writer of Love and Human Remains focues on David, a controversial gay painter in the remote Canadian province of Manitoba. His financial success has brought him fame, money and a dull life. He basically hangs out with Kryla, a straight woman and Shannon, an HIV positive trans woman who is also his roommate. To get some inspiration, he takes a job as a waiter at a small cafe run by a married couple, Matt and Violet.
The last thing he expects to do is fall in love with Matt, but that's just what happens. David starts painting again -- homages to Matt, his new love wreaking havoc on the marriage and on David. While Leaving Metropolis feels like an old-style "gay movie" -- poor writing and stilted characters, it does have something to recommend. There are several fairly intense sex scenes, both straight and gay and these two guys aren't shy about showing us their bodies. No full-frontal nude shots, but plenty of underwear and chest showing and these two boys have a lot to look at.
Vince Corazza
翻译: 钓钓
校对: Dormouse
★★★★★ 作者: 艾瑞克 时间: 2009-8-24 19:55
哇塞 感谢哦!!!!!!作者: shawn1981 时间: 2009-8-24 20:39
i want to download the subtitles, thank you作者: kueyun 时间: 2009-9-18 08:06
谢谢辛苦的LZ作者: Vince88 时间: 2010-1-6 11:08
谢谢,辛苦作者: crazystyle 时间: 2011-2-1 12:41
回复 1# Herman2000
先下載摟作者: 严小与 时间: 2012-4-29 22:23
好看吗作者: TIWWCFS 时间: 2013-8-5 21:50
dfgdfgdfdgfg作者: LMZSABCM 时间: 2014-12-16 21:47
谢谢 辛苦啦 O(∩_∩)O
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