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标题: qaf the book文字 [打印本页]

作者: tsen0627    时间: 2005-4-17 23:00     标题: qaf the book文字





[ 本帖最后由 tsen0627 于 2006-8-19 10:06 编辑 ]
作者: lanchercat    时间: 2005-4-18 00:28

下面是引用tsen0627于2005-04-18 00:20发表的:


[s:67]  [s:74]
作者: naonao730    时间: 2005-4-18 01:48



楼主真棒! [s:74]
作者: 路德维希    时间: 2005-4-18 10:30

作者: peridot    时间: 2005-4-18 11:46

作者: 真实    时间: 2005-4-18 21:49

作者: tsuru    时间: 2005-4-18 22:56

作者: tsen0627    时间: 2005-4-18 23:39

我的手機是NOKIA 6230,平常我是拿來當隨身聽,很少拿來照相的,所以技術不是很好...
作者: sowhat2005    时间: 2005-4-19 21:15

作者: astraea    时间: 2005-4-19 21:31

作者: 一花一世界    时间: 2005-4-20 10:59

作者: 牛子    时间: 2005-4-21 10:17

作者: chic    时间: 2005-4-24 20:47

辛苦樓主了,還有hal 的部份呢,大感動!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
作者: tsen0627    时间: 2005-4-25 00:31


圖片中的文字:Justin and randy : face to face

No matter how shitty things get, I always have my art. It’s the one place I can go where I’ll be safe… Where no one can get to me.
I read about the British version in some industry magazine or newspaper a few months before  heard about the American version. Then I knew about the American version when my agent pitched the role to me. I hadn’t actually seen the British show when I went in to read, so all had was the pilot script to review. When I read it, I liked how naïve Justin was but ballsy at the same time. That drew me to the role.

I’m the most mature person you know.
I think Justin went through a traditional growth to the kind of maturity that one goes through at that age. I mean it’s also a TV show, so he’s gone through some horribly traumatic events that I think have aged him as well. But a lot of the maturity that was in the character had to be there for some reason.
I didn’t want to keep Brain and Justin together. To make Justin interesting to Brian he needed to have some kind of exceptional qualities and he needed to evolve. I didn’t want it to be horribly degrading. I mean, obviously the whole thing with Justin chasing Brian is something that character has to do, but we had to give some obstacles to elevate him out of the desrtructiveness of that situation.
By the third season I think Justin’s and older and more mature. I still don’t think he has notions of what Brian is capable of doing to him, but he doesn’t think their relationship is something it’s not. I definitely think that with the quickness with which he went from Ethan back to Brian it sort of demonstrates that a lot of it was sort of rebounding. He’s coming from a place of being severely hurt.

don’t want her to understand me, I want her to leave me alone!
Justin’s relationship with his mom is interesting. I think it’s a testament to Sherry because she is just such a great actress. She’s added a level of humanity to the part and to the relationship. A lot of the audience tends to be people who are still dealing with how their sexuality affects their relationship with their parents. Therefore I think that relationship is easy to identify with the type of audience we have.

Sex is part of it. But it’s about other things, too. Like how we see each other and ourselves.
There are a lot of people who are empowered by Justin and by the show, but operating under the preconception that a world exactly like this could exist is sort of wrong. It might make people feel like things are more possible than they are in the real world. But the response I get tells me that Justin has inspired them to be a stronger person and to come out means a lot to me. It’s funny, though. People often tend to write to me either thinking that I’m Justin, like they don’t know I’m the actor, or else they think I’m a prostitute and they want to tell me sexual things that they want.

It was the best night of my life.
I liked the first season finale. I liked the dancing. I thought it was fun and something really different in the way it was unrealistic. It was this heightened moment that I think worked really well. In a lot of ways more was said in the dance Brian and Justin’s relationship then in any of our sex scenes or anything else. I think that’s one of my favorite moments.

The queer’s going. The queer is out the door. The queer’s gone!
Initially there was a lot more fear after Chris Hobbs’s attack. Justin was fearless so much in the first season. I think he’s back to that now, but right at the beginning of the second season after the attack, the adolescent invincibility that we all once had was really, really shattered. There was a lot more fear. There was a lot more anger. I definitely think Justin is now more like Brian, but I think it comes from a place of a lot of fear and a lot of anger because of that attack.

A man needs to know when to ask for help.
I like the fact that Justin treats women with respect and has significant relationships with them. Almost all the other characters make these rude vagina jokes from time to time. I think that Justin’s respect for women is what allows the relationship with Daphne and Debbie and his own mother and Melanie and Lindsay to have the most legitimacy. He doesn’t feel oppressed by women or that he was forced to be a heterosexual by the other gender. Therefore he is able to have meaningful, mutually respectful relationships with the female characters on the show.

圖片中的文字:Brian and gale : face to face

You want a hero, buy a comic book.
To have an “antihero,” you need a character operating in a classic antagonist/protagonist structure. A character who accepts, or at least acknowledges, some social version of right and wrong. I’ve learned that Brian is not an antihero for the simple reason that he does not respond to, for lack of a better term, the social compact. His particular disconnect from the American Dream is fairly complete. And his life has become an excessively self-indulgent refusal of everything. Except that which gives his life meaning.
I think that is a fairly common developmental stage for any man growing up in our society in the last sixty-odd years. This is what makes him somewhat universal. Now, some men struggle “heroically” to understand and engage in the antihuman farce that is capitalist America…
And some men refuse to fight for anything other than what makes them feel the most alive, even if it’s killing them.
I think Brian might fit the latter description.

I just hate to see someone holding on to their ‘integrity’ for no good reason.
Ah, the good old code.
It’s tricky because Brian is essentially amoral. His disavowal of ethical structure, while functional as a sort of sexy, fuck ‘em rationalization, does not elevate the telling of factual truth to a philosophy, or even a genuine belief system. It certainly is a system, but more one of self-preservation. Honest.

You’re the only one you need. You’re the only one you’ve got.
It is painfully clear that Brian cares first and foremost about Brian. He does what he does for one simple reason : to get what he wants, and to maintain what he perceives to be a state of control. At times, the best choices for Brian have benevolent side effects.
My desire, above all else, is for brain to be as realistic and human as possible. So, I within the constraints I am given, to find a way. How, for instance, do I show the effect of the genuine, heartfelt response of Ted (episode 307) to Brian’s intervening on Ted’s behalf legally? After the old “It’s just bizness, pal” scene, does Brian feel some inkling of self-worth? Or is he too wrapped up in his, uh, code?
I try to let something get through. And I hope that if enough gets through, there will be significant growth for Brian at least to become more self-aware. And hopefully some self-awareness will lead to deeper accessibility to his feelings toward his friends and lovers.

Not every boy is lucky enough to have a mother who’s equally at home in the kitchen as she is in a gay bar.
If you consider the idealized concept of “family” as people who accept and understand you for who you really are, then it would make sense for Brian to have found some version of that “ideal” in his relationship with Michael and Debbie.
That said, I think the structure is tenuous at best. And most dramatically resonant when Brian’s unbearable self-absorption is rendered down by Debbie’s and Michael’s stubborn will to keep loving the brother/son they should have sent to hell long ago…
作者: tsen0627    时间: 2005-4-25 20:05


圖片中的文字:Michael and hal : face to face

If god had wanted me to be on ice, he would have made me a vodka martini.
Michael’s not a comedic character at all. The humor comes from how things happen to him rather than his reaction to how things happen to him--it’s the environ-mental factors. He’s the guy who’s hit in the face with the pie, not the guy who wipes it off and mugs for the camera. It’s a very different space to perform, which is something that attracted me to the role.
On Talk Soup I’d been creating sketch-level characters in prosthetic makeup and stuff like that. I was really looking to find a character that was totally different from myself, and in many this was the natural progression in creating a guy who was sweet and naïve and gay and nerdy. In reality I couldn’t be more straight or have a bigger ego—truthfully, I’m a professional wiseass. That’s what I do for a living. Michael is nowhere near that.
Sarcasm doesn’t work in his method of communication.

Like I said, it’s all about sex… except when you’re having it. Then it’s all about ‘Will he stay? Will he go? How am I doing? What am I doing?’
Sometimes I feel like I’m not playing a gay man, I’m playing a woman. In the Brian/Michael relationship, he’s the feminine role. Brian is very masculine, very male, very penetrative, while Michael is more submissive, adaptive, and passive. He has more classically feminine desires such as long-term love, and he’s not focused entirely on physical contact. It’s great to play because very few men get to play those emotional arcs because they don’t exist in straight story lines.
A lot of people’s preconceptions about the show are that it’s just about sex and drugs and clubbing.
If you peel that away and have the heart of it, you have Michael, who is looking for a partnership to last his whole life to the point where he dates someone with HIV because he loves that person and he ultimately doesn’t mind that it could shorten Ben’s life. It’s about lifelong connection, not about the length of that life and how many connections he makes.

圖片中的文字:Emmett and peter : face to face

If you ask me, nobody makes a better woman than a gay man.
What loved about Emmett on the page and what spoke to me about him more than anything else was that here was an effeminate gay man who actually liked himself. I’ve never seen it before on TV. Effeminate gay men are self-loathing in media representations, and that just doesn’t seem universally true to me. There was kind of a seed in the script and that was what I dug my claws into through the audition process and then, after getting the job, through the first eight or nine episodes.
They had already written the first eight episodes before we were cast, and I think casting me shifted their idea about who Emmett was going to be. We grew him from this wisecracking. But self-loving, queen on the sideline to a really complicated, integral part of the group. That’s the thing I’m most proud of. One of the things that gets said to me a lot is “You give nelly queens a good name.” And I take that very much to heart. It means a lot to me, because they could use one.
What I’m proud of and what I really commend Dan and Ron for is that I would take a scene that they had written before they met me, and it would be a couple jokes and I just wrestled it into something more meaningful about friendship. They saw that, responded to it, and wrote for it. I really honor them for being open to that. It means a lot to me that they trust me that way.
作者: peridot    时间: 2005-4-25 20:07

  哇~~~~~我要哭啦~~~~~~~~哪儿找这么好的人啊~~~~~~~~居然手抄上来 [s:75]
作者: tsen0627    时间: 2005-4-25 20:13

下面是引用peridot于2005-04-25 20:07发表的:
  哇~~~~~我要哭啦~~~~~~~~哪儿找这么好的人啊~~~~~~~~居然手抄上来 [s:75]

作者: peridot    时间: 2005-4-25 20:15

下面是引用tsen0627于2005-04-25 20:13发表的:

哇哇哇哇哇~~~~~~说的我更想哭啦~~~~~~~ [s:76]
作者: tsen0627    时间: 2005-4-25 20:56


圖片中的文字:Debbie and Sharon : face to face

Article fourteen of the Super Mom handbook says no kicking assholes when they’re down. They’d take away my halo.
Debbie functions from the fifth charka. She functions totally from the heart charka. That’s where she comes from and she’s got a mouth on her. Before getting the role or even talking to the producers, I did this whole backstory on Debbie. I thought, “This is a woman who had gotten knocked up when she was very young. I think she wanted to go to beauty school. She had saved her money to go to beauty school to get her own beauty parlor, and that’s why she’s so outrageous.” I assumed the father had deserted her so she had to start waiting tables. That’s what she did and she just never left that post. I think she’s been in that diner forever.

They talk big and they act tough. But the truth is, the thing that they’re most afraid of-even more than his dad finding out and beating the shit out of him-is that you will stop living him.
Debbie and Justin’s relationship has grown as he’s become a man. She honors that he’s grown. She sort of helped to raise him that first year of his being out-with the permission of his mother, of course. That was nice. She got the permission from his mother to rake in another boy that she loved. I think that relationship will always stay. I think he will always have the gratitude of that first year, being out and being with her. He knows she’s wacko, but no matter how old he gets, he still takes shit off her if she thinks he needs it.

Well, no need to worry…Michael can do it. He’s a red-blooded all-American gay boy, which means he gets a whack attack three, four times a day!
I am sure Melanie and Lindsay are going to rue the day they picked Michael as the father because Debbie comes with the dinner. You know she’ll be over there with every piece of clothing she can make for the child. Can you imagine the awful things that she’s going to sew for that little kid?
下文,請允許我省略,實在是太多了... [s:63]
作者: lqshuixin    时间: 2005-6-12 17:39

作者: dranhxm    时间: 2005-6-12 20:33

我想买啊 中国米有啊  哭死~~~~~
作者: 如烟如织    时间: 2005-6-12 21:29

作者: 夕子    时间: 2005-6-13 05:47

作者: xiao66    时间: 2005-6-13 06:13

作者: tsen0627    时间: 2005-6-13 10:29

下面是引用夕子于2005-06-13 05:47发表的:




作者: bluegene    时间: 2005-6-13 14:31

作者: too    时间: 2005-6-13 15:36

作者: 草莓燕燕    时间: 2005-6-13 20:18



好希望上海也有介绍他们的杂志哦 [s:220]
作者: koko    时间: 2005-6-17 14:46

作者: sunnycup    时间: 2005-6-17 15:05

作者: lowlazy    时间: 2005-6-17 17:26

作者: rurulai_gz    时间: 2005-6-28 16:04

作者: kiii    时间: 2005-6-28 17:53

作者: 悠悠    时间: 2005-7-2 13:26

作者: bobogo    时间: 2005-7-28 07:43

作者: tuuuuu    时间: 2005-7-28 07:55


下面是引用tsen0627于2005-04-25 20:13发表的:


作者: callas    时间: 2005-7-28 09:26

作者: yoyo82    时间: 2005-7-28 21:08     标题: Re

作者: tsen0627    时间: 2005-7-31 11:23

下面是引用tuuuuu于2005-07-28 07:55发表的:


Queer as Folk : The Book 的情况
作者: linda0524    时间: 2005-8-8 15:14

作者: yangjj    时间: 2005-8-23 10:52

作者: 小宝舒华    时间: 2005-8-23 15:55

说了很多谢谢 还是要说 谢谢!
作者: oala    时间: 2005-9-20 19:45

作者: daishubaba    时间: 2005-12-18 13:55

作者: 蓝非    时间: 2005-12-19 19:14

作者: 地森玩具    时间: 2006-4-26 15:13

作者: 杨成芳    时间: 2006-8-7 21:53

作者: mandyrk    时间: 2006-8-8 17:22

作者: lee1984    时间: 2006-8-8 18:45

作者: hay    时间: 2006-8-12 13:50

作者: lvchuqing    时间: 2006-8-31 17:08

作者: vova0522    时间: 2006-8-31 20:31

作者: LK_wei    时间: 2006-10-29 12:44

作者: boybaby    时间: 2006-12-3 11:03

作者: Hydeの枕头    时间: 2006-12-8 21:02

作者: winterjung    时间: 2006-12-9 10:19

作者: jessicayao    时间: 2007-2-5 16:14

作者: Cindyluu    时间: 2007-3-23 09:56

作者: ema_f    时间: 2007-4-18 01:00

作者: 熊猫小仙    时间: 2007-10-3 23:50

想请问楼主, 书在哪里可以买到啊?
作者: witchxin    时间: 2007-10-4 15:57

作者: tracyyuting    时间: 2007-10-5 12:03

作者: zuoxi    时间: 2011-1-28 01:29

作者: fengzhiwu2011    时间: 2011-4-13 14:11

作者: as0104    时间: 2011-4-14 02:40

作者: vitk    时间: 2011-4-14 22:19

作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-10-9 14:22

作者: RainieNg    时间: 2011-10-9 15:10

mark下 现在在xxx 貌似那个链接打不开

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