Matt: Listen. I made a commitment to Tammi. I gotta make it work.
Dan: How do you make a relationship work.
Matt: Look. I didn't plan this.
Dan: You think I did?
Matt: Duke in leather, drug queens. I've got nothing in common with any of that shit.
Dan: Neither do I. Actually I do. I do know what it's like to fall for another man.
Matt: Cut that.
Dan: If we're careful we can do this, we can.
Matt: To get to the top, you have to make some sacrifices, leave something behind.
Dan: Even one of those things is yourself?
Matt: Fuck you Lynch!
(这段对话要不要那么隐晦,皮革猛男、变装女王,还有放弃自我,我第一次看的时候真没反应过来他们在讨论他们之间的关系。不过Dan那句Actually I do我倒是看明白了,Dan算是承认了自己是同志。不过Matt也算是吧,make some sacrifices,Dan是他的sacrifices还是最真实的自己是sacrifices?)
中间发生了很多事情,直到有一天Matt找到Dan,跟他说他们可以一起飞天空去。Dan却说他只是借宿在航母,那天在纽约他们的那一他会回去53中队的。Matt很失望很落寞,说I won't see you anymore,甩头就走。Dan在后面说了一句,那又能怎么样,U said u want a family!(这算是抱怨么,脑补了一下“我不是不想爱你只是你有妻子你要一个家庭我们怎么在一起"- -)Matt眼神发光,回头说I have made up my mind,然后就吻上了Dan。Dan的表情从沮丧变成了惊喜啊有木有。他们就此“私定了终生”。Dan说我在忙,你可以去我家休息,钥匙在门上的画框里,Matt说我录了点东西你一定要去听听。
写得很棒。刚看完这部电影,心里比较压抑。断背山后就没有让我这么压抑的片子了。上来缓解一下心情。谢谢分享。相爱的两个人真的感觉是meant for each other的,虽然觉得rob mayes在client list里也帅,但是这里更让人心动。作者: Singleforever 时间: 2014-9-30 00:43