:s12第二季里面,B在马路对面不是接着J么,后来J 说 you are a hero,然后B很诡异的笑了,后来J又说了一句 no matter what anyone else say还是什么的,B的表情突然就变了,不笑了,不知道这会他的心理是怎样的变化,着实很好奇。作者: superchul 时间: 2010-11-28 21:04
real hero for justin. and it's a sign for "rage". i think.作者: bluesea220 时间: 2011-4-26 10:09
小J是真正懂B灵魂世界的人作者: 妖仔 时间: 2011-4-26 10:14
哇 我就一直看的中文作者: s孤步舞s 时间: 2011-5-2 08:24
讨论的结果两人正处于GR状态呢~~作者: phonwen 时间: 2011-5-3 02:01
I think it's because Brian recalled the injure of Justin and the person in the sentence <no matter what anyone else say> was Justin's mother who blamed Brian to let Justin to get hurt since he took Justin to dance in school (the last episode of season one).作者: lanpigu 时间: 2011-5-4 00:18
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